Will Taylor

Austinite for 29 years, owner and publisher of LakeTravis.com, street photographer, cyclist and amateur mountaineer. Splits time between homes in Austin and Crested Butte, Colorado.

Lake Travis is a mobile entertainment and business directory app for all things Lake Travis and it’s surrounding communities in Austin, Texas. The app includes a robust searchable events tool, searchable categorized and mapped business listings and a host of “Best Of” articles on things to do and see on and around Lake Travis in…

Is Lake Travis open for boating for 2024 ? That’s a HARD YES ! Despite some negative press being spread by local media, Lake Travis, as always, remains open and inviting for boating. Most all of the boat, party boat and party barge rentals operators are open and will remain so thru the summer. The…

Go Big or Go Home. Lake Travis Party Barges for Large Groups or Parties. If your visit to the waters of beautifil Lake Travis in Austin, Texas involves a large group, there are many options for big 25-60 passenger party barges. Whether you’re planning a bachelor or bachelorette party, a corporate event, on-the-water wedding or…

Here are the Best Lake Travis Boat Rentals Need a boat on Lake Travis ? Here is our list of the best outftters on the lake. Over 50 different boat rental facilities operate to rent a boat on Lake Travis. Considered the “Crown Jewel” of Central Texas’ Highland Lakes, Lake Travis is THE destination for…

Austin has become a craft brewery mecca with some of the best national award-winning breweries right here. Beer in Austin is an institution like barbecue, and breakfast tacos. The sheer volume of craft brew choices at the local grocer isle makes local beer picking as challenging as your Netflix choice. Fortunately some of those great…

Austin’s Lake Travis is the most visited freshwater lake in the state of Texas. It’s a mecca for water sports, lakeside dining and live music. Check out our best Lake Travis lakeside restaurants. All have great lake views, most are accessible by boat. Take the challenge. Fire up your boat and do the Lake Travis…

Lake Travis, located near Austin, Texas, is known for its scenic beauty, crystal clear blue waters and bountiful aquatic activities. But did you know the Lake Travis area also offers up a thriving live music scene. It’s a hill country spillover from Austin as world-class live music mecca. Check out all the great music offered…

Lake Travis’ most familiar landmark archipelago, Starnes Island, was simply a hill in Travis County until the early part of the 1940’s when Mansfield Dam was built on the Colorado River creating Lake Travis. Starnes is located in the Sandy Creek arm of the lake. The island is also know to some as Monkey Island,…

It’s that time of year. Here are the Best Lake Travis Holiday events on and around the lake. Bee Cave on Ice Hill Country Galleria and the City of Bee Cave present Bee Cave on Ice! Come out and enjoy this year’s coolest holiday attraction from Friday, November 10th – Monday, January 15th. The $15…

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