Kids Yoga program 10/27-11/17

Nov 17, 2022
04:00 PM - 04:45 PM

Kids Yoga – back by popular demand! Fall session now enrolling, Thursdays at 4pm.
This program will run for 4 weeks 10/27, 11/3, 11/10, 11/17 at 4:00pm. Parents are not required to stay during class. $60 payment per child covers all 4 sessions.

Please note – this is NOT with goats.
In a non-competitive and nurturing environment, your child will practice age-appropriate asana sequences, play fun and challenging yoga style games, and learn simple partner poses. They will also learn skills & techniques for self-calming and stress relief; such as breathing exercises, visualization practice, and mindfulness activities.
Thematic ideas such as peace, respect, gratitude & acceptance will be introduced through stories and creative play as we go on a yoga adventure. This class provides a fun-filled way to cultivate self-esteem and body awareness. Yoga style games refine co-operation and listening skills which are essential for success in school. Our goal is to develop strong minds and bodies while learning to release tension and relax which helps kids succeed in all aspects of life.

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