Beginner Downhill Mountain Bike Lessons

Feb 4, 2023
9:00 am - 10:30 am

Want to learn basic mountain biking skills or refresh your fundamentals?

Join one of our Intro to Spider Mountain Bike Fundamentals Courses offered Saturdays and Sundays.

Lessons are available in the morning beginning at 9 am. These small format lessons, with a maximum of 7 people per class, are 1 hour and 30 minutes long and cover the basic mountain biking skills. Lessons are available for guests age 14 and up.

Price is $69 per person per lesson, not including lift ticket or equipment rentals. Lesson participants receive 20% off of lift tickets and bike rentals at the ticket window, but can save even more on lift tickets by booking in advance.


– Start with flat ground training reviewing bike/body position, braking, tracking, and balance.
– Move to Creepy Crawly skills park to put flat ground training basics into actual trail scenarios
– Party lap down Itsy Bitsy

Registration is available online or at the ticket window. Registrants get 20% off rentals and day-of lift tickets onsite.
Great deals on lift tickets can be found in advance by purchasing online.


Spider Mountain is home to Texas’ only lift-served mountain bike park & the only lift-served, year-round mountain bike park in the U.S.