
Steve Ward is Owner / Chief Sails Officer at SailATX Charters. Steve grew up around sailing in New Orleans in the ’80s. His father, Pat Ward, inspired Steve to learn and enjoy sailing. In the mid-90s Steve moved to Austin and began crewing and renting boats on Lake Travis. Around that time he traveled to the British Virgin Islands for his first blue water sailing experience – and fell in love with it! Later he started leading groups in the Bahamas, the BVI and Puerto Rico. To extend his skills Steve attended the Chapman School of Seamanship in Stuart, Florida. At Chapman he was valedictorian in the Professional Mariner Training program and passed the US Coast Guard exam. Steve also writes a sailing blog ( and is an active member of the Austin Yacht Club where he volunteers in sail training and as a coach for youth sailing. He has owned several boats on Lake Travis and has crewed for many years in Austin Yacht Club races and regattas. Steve is a certified instructor with both US Sailing and American Sailing Association (ASA).